Idioms & tongue twisters in English

Idioms & tongue twisters in English

This web has originated from my extreme love for English
Idioms & tongue twisters in English

Idioms & tongue twisters in English

This web has originated from my extreme love for English

Idioms-part six

To influence by an evil eye

چشم زدن

I wont be influenced by your evil eye.

Take no pain

زحمت نکش

Take no pain , everything will be done by her!

The last straw

کاسه ی صبر کسی لبریز شدن

She's always been rude to me, but it was the last straw when she started insulting my mother!

To save one’s hide

جان سالم به در بردن

Nowadays its so hard to save your hide in businesses!

To bring someone to his senses

حال کسی را جا آوردن

The old man is being brought to his sense by the new joker!!

To play a trick on some one

حقه زدن

Playing a trick on him wont be possible.

To find out

ملتفت شدن

Did you find out what the teacher said?!

Take a person at his word

اعتماد به قول کسی

I take you at your word & give you the key!

Take freedoms with a person

با کسی زیاد خودمانی رفتار کردن

Try not to take freedoms with him , he is not so polite.

To disgraced someone

بی آبرو کردن!

Sam disgraced his uncle when he opened his mouth!

To be all abroad

تو باغ نبودن!

SAKHA, are you all abroad?!

What was my last sentence?!

To be all ears

سراپا گوش بودن

No dear teacher im all ears!

To be all eyes

چهار چشمی پاییدن

Im all eyes to see what his next action will be?

There is money in it

پول توش هست؟!

Is there enough money in this business?!

To be incautious

بی احتیاطی کردن

To insult some one

بی احترامی کردن

SAKHA never try s to insult any body even his enemies!

To act rudely

بی ادبی کردن

Acting rudely in front of him wont help you do no thing!

Turn ones stomach

حال کسی را بهم زدن

The party was so bad that it turned my stomach.

To set moving

به جنبش درآوردن

Lets set the group moving.

To kick up a row

جنجال راه انداختن

Its his habit to kick up a row in any discussion!

To pride one self

مفاخرت کردن

My dad prides him self because of me.

To carry in the arms

بغل کردن

When I saw him I carry him in the arms.

To skin a flint

از آب کره گرفتن

The ability to skin a flint is sometimes so useful.

There wasn’t a soul to be seen

پرنده پر نمی زنه!

There wasn’t a soul to be seen

To rope peter to pay Paul

کلاه علی را سر ولی گذاشتن

To rope peter to pay Paul

To give a curt negative reply

آب پاکی را رو دست کسی ریختن

When SAKHA wanted the new car from daddy he cried: No & gave a curt negative reply!!

To be treated others as you would like

بر کس مپسند انچه ترا نیست پسند

You have to treat others as you like!

They will never go in double harness

آبشان در یک جوب نمی رود

They cant go on together , they will never go in double harness!

Two heads are better than one

دو تا فکر بهتر از یک فکر است!!

Two heads are better than one

The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot

کوزه گر از کوزه ی شکسته آب می خورد

The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot!!

To lose hope

قطع امید کردن!

I lost hope from you when you started the game.

To cause to be killed

به کشتن دان

The judge said: Franklin caused Jack to be killed.

To seem reasonable

به عقل گنجیدن

The prices in this shop seem reasonable.

To lose unluckily

مفت از دست دادن

I have lost all the money I got unluckily!

Take the bull by the horns

آستین همت بالا زدن

You can't expect a miracle. You're going to take the bull by the horns and settle the matter once and for all!

To nag!

هی نق زدن!

The child is nagging again!

Talk shop

بی موقع از کسب و کار حرف زدن

Okay, guys. Let's stop talking shop and enjoy ourselves

Throw the book at

به اشد مجازات محکوم کردن

You've stolen a car and struck a cop. I'm gonna throw the book at you.

Talk of the devil

عجب حلال زاده ای!

Talk of the devil! We just mentioned your name before you stepped in!

Talk some ones ear off

با پر حرفی سر کسی را بردن

My grandmother talks my ear off whenever I see her!

Too big for ones britches

پا را از گلیم دراز تر کردن!

You're too big for your britches, young man You'd better be more respectful

To be out on a limb

در موقعیت خطر ناک بودن

I was out on a limb when I entered the hole!

Throw the book out

شدیدا مواخذه کردن

I will throw the book out with you when we reach home.

The coast is clear

اوضاع رو به راهه- خبری نیست

Okay guys, You can come out of your hiding place now. The coast is clear!!

The party is over

دیگه بازی تمومه!

Freeze! Stop over there! The party's over!

To be on ones high horse

خود را گرفتن – باد کردن

Our friend hasn't been paying much attention to anyone recently. He seems to be on his high horse again!

To bring down the house

سنگ تمام گذاشتن

SAKHA has brought the house down when he built the web!!

Tongue in cheek

شوخی – بی منظور

Even though Mary's remarks about her sister were strictly tongue-in-cheek, she was offended

The ball is I some ones court

گوی و میدان دست کسی بودن

I did all I could. Now, the ball is in your court

The kiss of death

فاتحه ی کسی را خواندن

Yesterday's rain was the kiss of death for our picnic!

Test the waters

سبک سنگین کردن

We have to test the waters before we make a final decision.

Talk through ones hat

از روی معده حرف زدن

Don't listen to him. He's just talking through his hat!

The salt of the earth

اشخاص شریف و نازنین

Everybody knows that Jim and his old lady are the salt of the earth.

Tit for tat!

این به اون در!

After he broke my old glasses he said, Tit for tat!

Turn someone off

حال کسی را گرفتن

You really turn me off when you talk with your mouth full!

Under dog

شخص تو سری خور

All the children should be trained not to be under dog people when they grow up!

Up someone to expose him

پته ی کسی را روی آب ریختن

My elder brother up me to expose me in front of dad!

Unless you try you will not succeed

تا نکوشی کامیابی نیست

My dad always sais: Unless you try you will not succeed!

Upon my life

به جان خودم!

Oh…upon my life im not kidding!

Up ones sleeve

چیزی را در آستین پروراندن

I wonder what tricks he has up his sleeve this time

Under a cloud

سوء ظن

What is new under your cloud this time?

Under the table

زیر میزی دادن

Don’t try to give him some thing as the under the table, he wont accept it!

Under ones very nose

درست جلوی چشم کسی بودن

The witness told the court that the murder had been committed under his very nose

Wear a long face

قیافه ی عبوس به خود گرفتن

Why did you wear that long face at the meeting?!

We seek water in the see

آب در کوزه و ما تشنه لبان می گردیم

We seek water in the see

What is done cannot be undone

آب از جوی رفته باز نمی گردد

What is done cannot be undone

With tears to be chocked

بغض در گلو ترکیدن

I wanted to cry with tears to be chocked!

Where there is a will there is a way

خواستن توانستن است

Where there is a will there is a way!

Water down

ضعیف شدن

Why have you watered down?

Water under the bridge

همه چیز عوض شده

Nowadays the water is under the bridge!

Work shoulder to shoulder

دوش به دوش هم کار کردن

If we Work shoulder to shoulder we can progress.

What s cooking?

چه خبرا؟!

What's cooking, pat

Well, nothing much


چه بخواهد،چه نخواهد!-خواه نا خواه!

Willy – Nelly he has to come back!

Wheel and deal

ساخت و پاخت کردن

You can't do any business in this town if you don't wheel and deal!!!

Wet behind the ears

همی از دهن بوی شیر آیدت.

همی رای شمشیر و تیر آیدت.

He's too young to become a manager. He's still wet behind the ears!

Walk on air

از خوشحالی روی ابر ها راه رفتن

SAKHA was walking on air when he heard the news.

We all make mistakes

انسان جایز الخطاست!

We all make mistakes

Wear the pants

رئیس خانه بودن

In our family, It's my mother who wears the pants

Where is the beef?

اصل قضیه را رو کن!

Your proposal seems to be really appealing, but where's the beef ?!

Wet blanket

آدم حال گیر

You shouldn't invite him to your birthday party. He is such a wet blanket!

Walk on air

از شادی بال در اوردن

Sakha was walking on air on his graduation day.

We haven’t seen much of you

پیدات نیست؟!

When SAKHA interred the ILI class after 3 sessions absence , the teacher asked: where

Were you all these sessions? We  haven’t seen much of you!

Work ones fingers to the bone

جان کندن – سخت کار کردن

I work my fingers to the bone to support my children, but they don't appreciate it

You look hale

کشتی هایت غرق شده است

After Franklin failed the term, he looked hale!

You must lie on the bed you have

هر چه کنی به خود کنی-گر همه نیک و بد کنی

You must lie on the bed you have

You are what you think

گر در دل تو گل گذرد گل هستی

You are what you think

You are indebted to him

حق به گردن کسی داشتن

You are indebted to him

You can’t think again

کور خوندی!!

You can’t think again

You want a thing done do it your self

کس نخوارد پشت من جز ناخن انگشت من!

You want a thing done do it your self

You must be out of your mind

باید عقلت رو از دست داده باشی!

You must be out of your mind

Yes sport but no addiction

ورزش آری - اعتیاد نه

Yes sport but no addiction

Yours truly

چاکر- مخلص- بنده

If you leave everything to yours truly, there won't be any problem.